Interactive Video Streaming

The number of comments on my blog is steadily increasing and I certainly appreciate all the positive feedback. There are now over 4100 comments that I have edited and I try to eliminate as much spam as possible. However, there is no way for me to determine just how much the commenter is learning from a particular post without some kind of interaction. I used to be an eighth grade math and science teacher as well as an instructor at a community college and at universities. Even in those venues it was hard to tell what the students were gleaning from my lectures until it was too late to do anything about it. Of course, this blog isn’t a course and there are no grades. Much of what I discuss here is controversial and I wouldn’t recommend writing an essay about it for a grade.

The purpose of this blog and associated Bitchute videos is to enlighten the public about an alternative theory regarding the evolution of chromosomes and how such a theory may impact our thinking regarding cellular evolution and genetic diseases such as cancer. Hopefully, it will steer biological research into a different direction; one that will expand our knowledge base and pay off in therapeutic dividends. There are only two ways to determine whether I am on the right track or not regarding my hypotheses and theories:

1) Scan the scientific literature to find evidence that supports my thesis.

2) Perform laboratory research to support or refute what I have stated in this blog.

Scanning the literature is both useful and wise, but it very rarely replaces laboratory research that directly addresses the postulates of a hypothesis, much less a theory. This is why I would very much like to interact with anyone who might be interested in learning more about how I came up with my hypotheses and theories, even if their interests are merely academic. Ultimately, I would like to advise a postdoc, graduate student, or even a bright undergraduate to come up with a plan to continue with the studies I started at Ohio State University. I certainly don’t presume to have everything right, but if I have even a small handle on the truth; the implications could be enormous. In any case, whoever you may be, we can always start out small and see where it leads. Here is a link to my Bitchute video that discusses video streaming. You will notice that the comment number and others are already out of date. If you wish to engage in such an interaction, please place your information on the comment section of this blog. When enough interest is shown, I will work on setting up an interactive streaming video session. In the meantime, I don’t mind answering any questions you might have using a comment.

Thanks for all your interest.

Frank W. Abernathy, Ph.D.